About Sir George Trevelyan

Sir George Trevelyan was born into a minor noble family in the north of England, educational pioneer, called the Grandfather of the New Age. Networked, wrote and lectured extensively.

Came to the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1968
Left the Findhorn Foundation Community: RIP
Areas of involvement with the Findhorn Foundation Community: Grandfather of the New Age, Networking with other pioneers, supporting the emerging community at Findhorn
Community leadership: Findhorn Foundation Trustee 1972 - 1984
List of publications: The Seeing Eye in Architecture; A Vision of the Aquarian Age; Operation Redemption; Exploration into God; Magic Casements, The use of Poetry in the Expanding of Consciousness; Summons to a High Crusade – a collection of Lectures edited by Jeremy Slocombe; Awakening Consciousness - a collection of lectures edited by Keith Armstrong

There is No Death- Spiritual Perspective on Death

|2024-10-22T08:28:27+01:00March 5th, 2023|Categories: Our Roots, People, Spiritual Principles|Tags: , , , |

Sir George Trevelyan gives a talk on the western misconceptions and spiritual perspectives on death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWMRhSr7tu4 Sir George Trevelyan had a longstanding connection with the Community and was a regular visitor and great supporter. He

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