About Craig Gibsone

Born in the Australian outback, travelled to Britain, diagnosed with cancer, lived in Buddhist centre for 3 years where I met Peter Caddy. Moved to Findhorn. Created the barrel house for my family.

Came to the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1968
Left the Findhorn Foundation Community: still here
Areas of involvement with the Findhorn Foundation Community: food growing, leading workshops, permaculture teaching, music, family, meditation, pottery, arts; Barrel cluster
Community leadership: Findhorn Foundation Focaliser 1987-1991, initiating Ecovillage Training, Permaculture Design Certificate courses,
Experience in the community affected your work in the world: in everything
List of publications: Permaculture: A Spiritual Approach, Craig Gibsone, Jan Martin Bang, Findhorn Press 2015
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