About Alan Watson Featherstone

Born in Scotland, travelled the world over for nature, photography and nature conservation. I walk my talk through my lifestyle and my work - both professional and volunteering. Proud father of Kevin.

Came to the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1978
Left the Findhorn Foundation Community: still here
Areas of involvement with the Findhorn Foundation Community: in the Findhorn Foundation: Cluny Garden, Cluny Baker, Education, Trading Centre; Trees for Life, Rewilding, public speaker; photography, gardening; Field of Dreams
Community leadership: Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation; managing director Trees for Life; Director Holistic Health Care Ltd, Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Trees for Hope
Experience in the community affected your work in the world: listening to and following the call of inner knowing, personal and planetary transformation in all aspects of my work, esp Trees for Life, Earth restoration/rewilding
List of publications: many articles and papers (see https://alanwatsonfeatherstone.com/writing/) and a blog (https://alanwatsonfeatherstone.com/blog/)

Findhorn Today 1987 – Integrating Co-creation with Nature into the Wholeness of our Lives

|2024-09-10T17:32:43+01:00September 10th, 2024|Categories: Ecology, Spiritual Principles|Tags: , , , |

This post by Alan Watson (now Alan Watson Featherstone) was previously published in Findhorn Today – Papers prepared for New Synthesis Think Tank Conference October 1987 New York City. 1962 was a very significant year

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