About Graham Meltzer

Graham spent much of his life living in intentional communities, including kibbutz, hippie communes, cohousing and now Findhorn. In a past life he was an builder, photographer, academic and architect.

Came to the Findhorn Foundation Community: 2006
Areas of involvement with the Findhorn Foundation Community: FF coworker (2006-19), building and infrastructure development 2006 - 12, conference organisation 2013 - 19.
Community leadership: As above.
Experience in the community affected your work in the world: Board member of ICSA (the International Communal Studies Assoc.).
List of publications: Four books including: Sustainable Community: Learning from the cohousing model (Trafford Press, 2005), Findhorn Reflections (KDP, 2015), A Meaningful Life (KDP, 2021).
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