About Charles Petersen

Born in the United States; for the past 30 years living in South America, presently in Colombia. I've led Findhorn-inspired programs including sacred/circle dance in many countries.

Came to the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1977
Left the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1994
Areas of involvement with the Findhorn Foundation Community: Cluny Reception, Visuals, Publications, Trading Centre, Guest Department, Personnel, Communications, Outreach. Lived at Cluny, Drumduan, Pine Ridge, John Clausen's
Community leadership: Visual Department focaliser, late 70s
Experience in the community affected your work in the world: Sharing my Findhorn experience in many countries in South America, 1990 until present day
List of publications: Coordinated the translation of Dorothy Maclean's Call of the Trees

My Findhorn story — Growing in Confidence

|2023-07-14T10:59:06+01:00August 11th, 2022|Categories: Findhorn Journeys, In The World, People, Spiritual Education|Tags: , , , , , |

I'd become interested in intentional communities prior to going to Findhorn. I was part of the Koinonia Foundation community near Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from 1973, and had also visited Twin Oaks, and a Bruderhof community.

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