About Roger Benson

Originally from the US, married at the Foundation with Maria Trap in '87, have had an organisational consulting practice for 30+ years after leaving the Foundation, now retired.

Came to the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1982
Left the Findhorn Foundation Community: 1988
Areas of involvement with the Findhorn Foundation Community: Cluny Maintenance, Cluny Garden, Personnel, Core Group, Conferences, Giving workshops, US Tour with Eileen, Meditation cell with a few others and Eileen, Co-foccalisation of Community with Craig
Community leadership: Cluny Sanctuary Focaliser (83-85/6), Interim Cluny focaliser (few months ±85/86), Cluny Personel (85-±87, Core Group (86-88), Co-focaliser of Community with Craig (87-88)
Experience in the community affected your work in the world: Changed the direction of my life and work and laid the foundation for our consulting work.
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