For the 62nd Birthday Celebrations we compiled this slideshow with the theme of Eileen Caddy’s guidance “from family, to group, to community, to village to a vast city of light.”
It tells the history of the Community in broad brush strokes and offers images of places and individuals through the decades.
Photographs by Adriana Sjan Bijman, Findhorn Foundation Visuals and Archives, Jonathan Caddy, Kate Bewick, Kathleen Carr Thormod, Lars Runken, Marion Leigh, Mark Richards, Olina Lorencova, Google Earth
Soundtrack: Loren Stewart and Pauline Walker – I Dreamed a Dream, Mike Scott – Building the City of Light
Compiled by Cornelia Featherstone and the COIF Core Team
Inspired by CommUnity, a group of NFA volunteers, manages this website. Hearing each others stories, and learning about the history of this community can help us all to find more cohesion and a sense of belonging. Read more.<
An excellent portrait of the Findhorn Community in its many phases. Congratulations on a job well done!