The following excerpts from Journey of a Dancer – Meditation in Movement by Bernhard Wosien, published by Sarsen Press 2016 were chosen my Gabriele Wosien.


Sacred-Circle-Dance took root in the Community of Findhorn in Scotland in 1976 and has since spread around the globe. Its birth had long been prepared on many levels, with the devotion of many dance-enthusiasts, who have contributed to this Meditation in Movement from many diverse fields of experience.

“Dance, like every work of art, has its roots in meditation. Dance in this context refers to our spiritual heritage. As a memory of Paradise we carry this wisdom deeply within our souls: The dancer who reflects cosmic laws in his movements is ‘Man, made in the image of God’ ”.

“When we dance in a circle the world is created anew and passed on from one hand to the next. Every point on the circle is at the same time a turning point.”

“I have attempted to rediscover the streams of memory and the realisation of cosmic laws in the art of dance. The elements of mythical, magic, courtly and other epochs with their variations of styles are alive through to our times and lead us to new creations. Historically speaking, the domain of truth is subject to change.

That means that when new insights compel humanity to a new philosophy of life, then this change will find its visible expression in art. Man is subject to two forces of motivation by day and by night.

First, the force that carries and pushes us from insight to insight. It is symbolised in the urge to explore and experience our own nature and to solve the riddles which surround us.

The second force is the one that returns to the mother, back to the world of images that surface out of the past. I feel a connection here to the symbol of the Age of Aquarius, the New Age, in which the two parallel streams move in opposite directions but in harmony with each other’s vibrations. In the constant urge to create the New, the true master will never deny himself access to and inspiration from the old wisdoms.“

Bernhard with Gabriele Wosien, Sacred Dance Festival, Findhorn 1982 photo unknown

Bernhard with Gabriele Wosien, Sacred Dance Festival, Findhorn 1982


Journey of a dancer Bernhard Wosien backcover

Journey of a Dancer by Bernhard Wosien backcover